May 01, 2016

Turn Photo into Sketch on a Ripped Paper in Photoshop

Photo To Sketch Effect on a Ripped Paper With Photoshop
Here is a tutorial to create photo to sketch effect on a ripped paper with Photoshop. The sketch effect is made by utilizing the Gaussian Blur, Glowing Edges, and Charcoal filter. While the effect of torn paper made by using filters Brush Strokes Spatter.

If you liked my tutorials, please subscribe to my YouTube channel - JTSGraph.

Step 1: Open Photo

Select File> Open to open your picture. Duplicate the layer by pressing Ctrl + J if you want to backup the original photograph. For this Photoshop tutorial, I'll use this image that I downloaded from Pixabay
Open the photo.

Step 2: Create a Vibrant and Contrast adjustment If Needed

If necessary, please adjust the vibration of photos by choosing Image> Adjustments> Vibrance. 
Adjust photo vibrant.

Adjust the contrast of the photo by choosing Image> Adjustment> Brightness/Contrast.
Adjust photo contrast.

Step 3: Duplicate Layer

Press Ctrl + J to duplicate layer. Then change its blend mode to Color Dodge.
Duplicate the layer.

Step 4: Create Adjustment Black And White

Choose Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Black & White.
Adjustment Black And White.

Step 5: Invert Layer

Choose Image> Adjustment> Inverse.
invert the image.

Step 6: Apply Gaussian Blur

Choose Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur.
Gaussian blur filter.

Step 7: Duplicate Layer And Desaturate

Click on the photo layer, press Ctrl + J to duplicate it, drag it to the top position, then select Image> Adjustments> Desaturate.
Duplicate and desaturate the layer.

Step 8: Apply Filter Glowing Edges

Choose Filter> Filter Gallery> Stylize> Glowing Edges.
Glowing Edges.

Step 9: Invert Image

Select Image> Adjustments> Invert. Change its blend mode to Multiply.
Invert image.

Step 10: Duplicate Layer And Desaturate

Click on the photo layer, press Ctrl + J to duplicate it, drag them to the topmost position, then select Image> Adjustments> Desaturate.
Duplicate and desaturate.

Step 11: Apply Charcoal Filter

Choose Filter> Filter Gallery> Sketch> Charcoal
Charcoal Filter.

Then change its blend mode to Multiply. Then group the layer by choosing Layer> Group Layer. Name it like, for example, Sketch effect.
Change its blend mode to multiply.

Step 12: Create a New Layer

Create a new layer for ripped paper effect by choosing Layer> New Layer. Fill with white color by choosing Edit> Fill. Then make a selection using the Lasso Tool to create a paper shaped. Create a Layer Mask by choosing Layer> Layer Mask> Reveal Selection.
Create a layer for the paper effect.

Step 13: Apply Spatter Filter On Mask

Choose Filter> Filter Gallery> Brush Strokes> Spatter.
Filter Spatter.

Step 14: Duplicate the layer Paper

Choose Layer> Duplicate Layer. Fill with gray and minimized its size using Free Transform.
Duplicate the paper layer.

Step 15: Create a Layer Mask on Sketch

Right-click the layer mask of paper and then select Add Mask To Selection. 
Right click to create a selection.

Click the sketch layer group then go to Layer> Layer Mask> Reveal Selection.
Create Layer Mask.

Step 16: Add Hand Photo

Choose File> Place, select the image and then click the button Place. Then rasterize it by choosing Layer>Smart Object>Rasterize.
add hand.

Step 17: Adjust Using Free Transform

Choose Edit> Free Transform, then please adjust the size and position of the hands on the document.
Adjust using Free Transform.

Step 18: Duplicate the hand layer

Choose Layer> Duplicate Layer to duplicate hand layer.
Duplicate the hand layer.

Step 19: Create Selection of Hand Then Create Layer Mask

Create a selection using the Pen Tool on the hand. 
Create a selection.

Create a layer mask by choosing Layer> Layer Mask> Reveal Selection.
create a layer mask.

There you have it! Photo To Sketch Effect on a Ripped Paper With Photoshop.
Photo To Sketch Effect on a Ripped Paper With Photoshop.

Generative AI in Photoshop. You have to try it to believe it.
Generative AI in Photoshop. You have to try it to believe it.

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