February 04, 2022

How to Create a Bokeh Effect in Photoshop

How to Create a Bokeh Effect in Photoshop
Learn How to Create a Bokeh Effect in Photoshop. Here two layers are created for the bokeh effect. Each will be given a different gaussian blur filter. The goal is to get a bokeh effect with different light depths. Also given a Lightness setting, so that the photo background is not too bright. For the Brush Tool, there are settings for the brush panel, namely Shape Dynamic and Color Dynamic. With these settings the brush size and color will change dynamically. So we don't need to change it manually.

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Step 1: Open your Photo

After opening the Photoshop application, select the File menu> Open or press the keyboard Ctrl + O. The Open dialog box will appear. Select your photo then click the Open button.

The photo source for this Photoshop tutorial is taken from the Microsoft Office Images site.
Press Ctrl+O to open your photo.

Step 2: Unlock Background

So that we can edit photos, we have to unlock the background first. While holding down the Alt key, double click Background. The lock will be unlocked and the Background renamed to Layer 0.
Unlock the Background layer.

Step 3: Select the Quick Selection Tool

We will select the background of the photo using the Quick Selection Tool (W). Click the Quick Selection Tool (W) icon. If it's not visible, right-click the Magic Wand Tool (W) icon to display it.
Quick Selection Tool.

Step 4: Create a Background Selection

It will be easier if we select the background of the photo and not the main object in the photo. Because the background is white and the Quick Selection Tool works based on the same color. Make a selection, click and drag if necessary on the photo background. To delete the selection in a specific area, click the selection area you want to delete while holding down the Alt key.
Do a photo background selection.

Step 5: Invert Selection Then Create Mask

Select the menu Select>Inverse to invert our selection or use the shortcut Shift+Ctrl+I. Then click the Create Layer Mask icon.
Invert the selection then create a mask (circled in blue).

Step 6: Create a Gradient

While holding down the Ctrl key, click the Create a New Layer icon located at the bottom of the panel (circled in blue). Double click layer 1 then rename it to gradient, to make the work easier.
Create a new layer then rename it to gradient.

Step 7: Click the Gradient Tool icon

On the Tool panel, click the gradient tool icon (G). If it's not visible, right-click the Paint Bucket Tool (G) icon to display it.
Gradient Tool icon.

Step 8: Choose a Gradient Spectrum Color

On the options bar, click Linear Gradient. Then select the color spectrum gradient you want.
Select the gradient spectrum color and the Linear Gradient option.

Step 9: Click Then Drag On Canvas

Click the gradient layer to activate it, then click and drag on the canvas to apply the gradient spectrum colors.
Click then drag on the canvas to apply the gradient.

Step 10: Add Hue/Saturation

Click the Adjustment layer icon located at the bottom of the panel (circled in blue). Then select Hue/Saturation. In Hue/Saturation properties, fill Lightness -55. You can adjust it for your photo.
Adjust the lightness.

Step 11: Change the Foreground and Background Colors to White/Yellow

Click the foreground box, a color picker dialog box will appear, then select white. Then click the Background box and select the yellow color.
Color Pickers.

Change the Foreground/Background to white and yellow.
Change the Foreground/Background to white and yellow.

Step 12: Click the Brush Tool icon

Click the Brush Tool icon (B).
Click the Brush Tool icon (B).

Step 13: Adjust the Brush Tool

On the Options Bar, click Toggle the brush panel to display the panel for adjusting brushes. You can change the settings below to suit your photos, of course.
Toggle brush panels.

So that the bokeh effect that we will create has different circle sizes automatically, check Shape Dynamics then fill in the settings as shown below:
Shape Dynamic Settings.

So that the bokeh effect that we will create has different colors automatically, check Color Dynamic then fill in the settings as shown below:
Color Dynamic Settings.

Step 14: Create a Layer For Bokeh

Click the Create a new layer icon at the bottom of the panel. Rename it to bokeh. Then place it below layer 0. Start clicking the mouse on the canvas to create a bokeh effect. When you're done apply a Gaussian Blur filter with a radius of 10 pixels. The trick, select the menu Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur. Finally, change the opacity to 50%.
Click the mouse on the bokeh layer.

Step 15: Create the Second Bokeh Layer

Click the Create a new layer icon at the bottom of the panel. Rename it to bokeh2. Then place it below layer 0. Start clicking the mouse on the canvas to create a bokeh effect. When you're done apply a Gaussian Blur filter with a radius of 5 pixels. The trick, select the menu Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur. Finally, change the opacity to 50%.
Create a second Bokeh.

Step 16: Add Outer Glow Style On Both Bokeh Layers

Double click the bokeh layer thumbnail to call up the Layer Style window. Click and tick Outer Glow. Then fill in the size of 1 pixels. Click OK. Also make an outer glow for bokeh2.
Create an Outer Glow for the bokeh and bokeh2 layers.

Step 17: Duplicate the Gradient

Click the gradient layer, then press Ctrl+J to duplicate it. Change its opacity to 10%. Move the position to the very top.
Duplicate the Gradient Layer.

Step 18: Save Your Project

Finally, save the project by selecting File>Save menu. Give the file a name then click the Save button. The bokeh effect is finished using Photoshop.

There you hve it! How to Create a Bokeh Effect in Photoshop.
How to Create a Bokeh Effect in Photoshop.

Generative AI in Photoshop. You have to try it to believe it.
Generative AI in Photoshop. You have to try it to believe it.

1 comment:

  1. Great tutorial as always. Would you please create another article on the usage of photoshop warp tool? That will be awesome!
